Thursday, April 12, 2012

A newish leaf

In the beginning, Id get so annoyed at comics who would do the same material over and over. Now I aspire to be that guy. There are several things:
1: It helps to polish your old material, so you have it down pat when you need it for an actual show
2. It feel really good to have people really laugh throughout your whole set. Bombing sucks.
3. In case any comedians or bookers or whatever happen to actually pay attention, its helpful if youre doing your better stuff.

Point 3 is really starting to sink in for me. Comics wont laugh at your shit anyway, they just react to the crowds reaction.

Went up at TCC tonight and KILLED. I did wutang (20) / fists (30) / bathrooms (50) / (short callback on bathrooms) / naughty republican (60) / fisting (90). Audience reaction was great. Theres something amazing about how fisting builds on itself, after those pauses... people are just so shocked when i come back in with the next part. I got actual cheering -- not polite applause when i finished my set. Felt amazing. Im going to keep doing the same 10 or so jokes with slight variation until ive done every damn show around.

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